Origin Aluminium

Aluminium Windows Llanishen

Our market-leading aluminium windows are available to homeowners in Llanishen and throughout the Cardiff area. With unrivalled performance and superior style, these home improvements have the power to enhance any home in South Wales. Manufactured by Origin, our high performance aluminium windows are produced to the highest standards. Enjoy double glazing at its finest with these impressive and eye-catching aluminium windows.

Every installation of Origin aluminium windows that we undertake in Llanishen is completed to the same impeccable standards. Together with the top quality of Origin’s products, we can achieve an exceptional level of performance for your home in terms of energy efficiency, security, functionality and style.

Aluminium windows Llanishen

Aluminium Windows Tailored to Your Llanishen Home

For a beautiful Llanishen home, Origin aluminium windows are the ultimate choice. They can be installed in a vast spectrum of colour finishes. With the full RAL colour chart available, you can choose from almost every shade you can think of. When it comes to enhancing your home, aluminium windows offer an effective solution that can be customised to your liking. Enjoy a truly unique double glazing instalment.

In addition to this, our aluminium windows can be configured with decorative glazing in a wide range of designs and colours, providing privacy and adding flare. Handles and hardware can also be customised to perfectly match your style of property, complementing your Llanishen home.

Origin aluminium windows llanishen

Strong and Durable

Aluminium is a lightweight material that possesses incredible inherent strength. These attributes make aluminium the ideal material for double glazed windows. Slim frames are possible, which provide a wider expanse of glazing to create a sleek modern look along with enhancing the view of the outside.

Its strength also provides excellent protection against unwanted intruders providing a higher level of security for your Llanishen home. The robust finish allows for minimal upkeep and maintenance while looking fantastic for longer. Rigorously tested to 50,000 cycles, they are incredibly durable and offer excellent value for money with a longer lifespan than uPVC.

Outstanding Energy Efficiency

Through advanced techniques, today’s aluminium windows are a far cry from those of yesteryear. Our windows can achieve a Windows Energy Rating of ‘A’ or higher, which will be confirmed in writing upon installation.

This is down to their polyamide thermal break system, which creates a thermal barrier to prevent cold transfer. This is achieved by trapping pockets of air within various compartments of the frame design.

The efficient thermal qualities of these high performance aluminium windows can improve your home’s energy efficiency. By retaining heat more efficiently, you can use less energy to keep your home warm, reducing your carbon footprint and your heating bills.

Not only that but aluminium windows are entirely recyclable. So when they have come to the end of their long lifespan, the materials can be reused to create something else. Peace of mind for eco-friendly homeowners concerned about environmental impact.

aluminium window prices llanishen

Aluminium Windows

Advanced Security Hardware

  • The highest grade stainless steel hinges, capable of carrying exceptionally heavy loads, exceeding above and beyond the standardised 50,000 cycle test required for residential windows.

  • Hinge guards installed as standard on all Windows, blocking intruders from jemmying the window open along the hinged side.

  • Every window is installed with Yale’s highly renowned and dependable bi directional Encloser Lock

  • Emergency exit hinges and trickle vents available.

Design Options

  • Unique twin flush window design.

  • Manufactured in over 150 different RAL shades with dual colours available.

  • Durable, scratch resistant powder coating, making it smooth to the touch and highly resilient to the elements.

  • A choice of standard and upgraded handle options available.

  • Available as casement, bay, fixed or gable window.

  • Outerframe depth of 80mm with window sightline of 88mm and mullion sightline of 145mm.

Superior Energy Efficiency

  • Revolutionary aerogel upgrade available which can achieve an A++ energy rating.

  • Featuring an advanced triple weather seal and thermal break.

aluminium window quote llanishen


Our aluminium window prices in Llanishen are excellent value, and they are extremely cost effective. With minimal maintenance, our Origin aluminium windows are built to last while looking and operating as new for many years to come.

With a long lifespan, incredible performance and stunning aesthetics, our aluminium windows will add value to your Llanishen property, offering great value for money.

Contact us today for more information or a quote, and we’ll be happy to discuss the options with you.

Aluminium Windows & Doors Brochure